An Anonymous Adoption Story


My wife and I adopted our first child in July, 2018. Our daughter was placed with us when she was 7 1/2 weeks old. It was a very long process, but the adoption was successful, and we have had positive support from the day she was placed with us. We are the only parents she knows, but she also has positive male role models in her life as well. Eight months after she was placed with us, we had a one-week-old little girl placed with us and a year later a three-week-old baby boy. We are in the process of adopting our middle daughter and will hopefully have an opportunity to adopt our son as well. We continue to receive support from our families, friends, and our placement agency. Every day we are thankful that we have the opportunity to have a family and that we have the amazing support that we have. 

Every child deserves to have a loving, safe, and stable home, regardless of their religion or sexual orientation. We are an educated couple, and we are able to provide a nurturing and loving home for our children, regardless of the fact that we are a same sex couple. We love our children and I don’t believe the government has a right to say that couples of a certain religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity should be denied the opportunity to foster or adopt children.

2021 Update: The couple has adopted all three of their children.