Alexis' Foster to Adopt Journey

Alexis Hanes
Glen Ridge, NJ

I would not have the beautiful family I have today if we were not able to foster to adopt our daughter. She had open heart surgery at 1 week old and we took her home from the hospital at 2.5 months. The first year was a little rough for her with doctor visits and health issues, however, now she is now 15 years old, strong and the light of our lives. I don't see what makes our love any different than the straight parents in my neighborhood except maybe we do more. I have volunteered for softball, cheer, girl scouts and girls club over the years just to be a bigger part of her life. My life would be a shell compared to what joy she has brought to it and I shudder to think what her life would have been growing up in the foster system.  
Please help make sure that qualified loving parents and kids that need a good stable home get a chance. No child should be left in the foster care system due to bigotry. Thank you.