Tell Governor Lee to Veto SB 1304
We need your help in stopping SB 1304—a bill that would create a license to discriminate in the Tennessee child welfare system. Lawmakers have already voted in favor of HB 836, and this week they voted to pass the companion bill — SB 1304 — in the Senate.
Now, SB 1304 goes to the Governor, who has the ability to veto this license to discriminate. That’s where you come in.
SB 1304 undermines a primary principle in the child welfare system—to put the best interests of the child first. This bill will reduce the number of families available to foster and adopt the most vulnerable children in Tennessee by allowing state-sanctioned discrimination against qualified LGBTQ+ foster and adoptive parents and any other parents that do not pass the agency’s religious or moral litmus test, and it hurts kids in care by allowing agencies to deny services to the children they are required to serve (and paid taxpayer dollars to do so).
Today, we’re calling Governor Lee and urging him to veto SB 1304—and you can too!
Your voice is making a difference for the children of Tennessee.
A lawmaker who voted against this bill in a House Subcommittee hearing cited the hundreds of emails he has received from Tennesseans in opposition. We must keep up the pressure! The bill is reported to be on Governor Lee’s desk as early as Friday, January 15. We need you to contact Governor Lee NOW to urge him to veto SB 1304 and put Tennessee children first!